
Whether you seek a caring partner to oversee your furnished home, or a committed professional to lease your residential property, we will tailor a package of services to fit your needs and budget.

Gallatin Valley Rental Group has ethically served the Bozeman community since 2012. 


We proudly support the following local organizations in their mission to enhance our community:


Montana State Parks Foundations

“Montana is a unique place. We live for the outdoors, we love our heritage, and we have some of the finest landscapes in the world right out our back door. Yet, our state park system lags. While there are some true gems, our parks struggle with underfunding, political inattention, and a lack of vision to put all the parts together to make a parks system which, based on our outdoor culture, could be world-class.

The Montana State Parks Foundation aims to change that. With your help, we can build a vision, a constituency, political advocacy, and the funds necessary to improve parks and create a system worthy of a 21st-century Montana.”

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The Mayfly Project

“The Mayfly Project is a 501(c)(3) national organization that uses fly fishing as a catalyst to mentor and support children in foster care. The Mission of The Mayfly Project is to support children in foster care through fly fishing and introduce them to their local water ecosystems, with a hope that connecting them to a rewarding hobby will provide an opportunity for foster children to have fun, build confidence, and develop a meaningful connection with the outdoors.”

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The Sacred Portion Children’s Outreach

“The Sacred Portion Children's Outreach was founded by Craig and Jan Druckenmiller in response to a call on their hearts to work on behalf of children without homes and families. Prior to this, they were directly involved for 22 years in the development and operation of a quality, nationally accredited early childhood program. In 1997 they passed the care and continuation of that program into another's hands and turned their hearts towards serving a more needy population of the world's children.”

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Gallatin County Love Inc.

“We don’t take the place of the local church, or exist apart from it. We are here to serve local churches we are in partnership with by providing opportunities for volunteers from these churches to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our neighbors in need right here in the Gallatin Valley.”

We look forward to serving you.